A New Beginning

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not given you everything you would possibly need to fulfill it.

This is my message to you, and it is the Truth.

But it needs to be your Truth to see this miraculous gift.

Because there is a power in you which is unstoppable.

A winner in you that can never fail.

You were specifically designed and created to be successful, to accomplish your goals, to leave your mark of this truth on your generation.

You have this greatness in you, and you just need to awaken to it.

So no matter how dark things may look, know that with the Truth, the sun will break free.

Come join us at Power Ministry as we spread this Good News.

You have this greatness in you, and you just need to awaken to it.
— Pastor James Blake


Our highest dream in life, our destiny, is God’s dream for us.

So don’t get discouraged when there’s a detour on the way to your destiny. Keep the faith, and it will happen.

Sometimes we have to remove the clutter to make way for our true path.

Begin seeing that that every adversity, every disappointment, was not there to defeat you; but there to make you better and more powerful to steward His truth.

God made you with a Dream already placed within your heart. His dream, for You, is your highest dream. And he equipped with everything you ever need for the task.

To live your best life, know that it is certain, if you follow our heart. Your dream, Your true path.

You are following Him.

And know that when you do, behind the scenes, God is arranging everything you need, to create His plan for your life.

This is your Destiny.

To live your best life, know that it is certain, if you follow our heart. Your dream, Your true path. You are following Him.
— Pastor James Blake


When you go through difficult times on your journey to your Destiny, you pass the test.

These obstacles are to make you stronger.

To refine you and make you see the champion within you.

Recognize that God is getting you ready for your purpose.

So stand strong and fight the good fight of faith.

God has called each of us to be champions, to live our dreams to the fullest.

To know that with Him, we are destined to win.

If you work with God and keep a good attitude, then you will reach the truth.

So start to see that the very obstacles we are fighting against so tenaciously may be the springboards that catapults you to a new level of excellence.

Your challenges become your greatest assets to The Truth. -Pastor James Blake 

God has called each of us to be champions, to live our dreams to the fullest.
— Pastor James Blake

Freedom From Illusion

The best decision of your life was to live your life with God at the center.

To follow your true path and destiny built by Him.

That was the essential first step to living at your full potential, and that is why you are here with me at Power Ministry.

You are beginning to see that it is YOU who controls the doorway to what you allow into your life.

We now know that if we dwell on every negative thought we will just create more of the same.

We understand how we can close off this negativity and just dwell on what God says about you.  

That you have a dream inside of you, placed in there by Him,

waiting to Awaken.

You have a dream inside of you, placed in there by Him, waiting to Awaken.
— Pastor James Blake

The Mission

You may be sitting around waiting for God to change your circumstances.

To change your life. And then you’re going to be happy, then you're going to have a good attitude, and then you’re going to give God thanks. But God is waiting on you.

He has already given you your dream.

He has already placed within you, your heart's desire.

Your ultimate paradise.

The thing you would want to think and do more than anything. So He is waiting on you.

Waiting on you to get up on the inside.

To be happy now, to thank Him now, to be excited, Now, and when you do your part,

He’ll begin to change things and work supernaturally in your life.

That is how it works. You must be the dream on the inside to see it on the outside.

That is how it works. You must be the dream on the inside to see it on the outside.
— Pastor James Blake

Believing Is Seeing

To follow The Path back to God, you have to know who you are.

God has placed his dream within your heart. His dream is Your Dream, you cannot fail. You have royalty in your blood. You are excellent in every way.

You are not average. You are not ordinary.

You are a masterpiece, but you must walk the talk for it to materialize."

Romans 4 says to "call the things that are not as though they were." That simply means that you shouldn't talk about the current way you are.

That's old news. You need to begin to talk about the way you want to be.

By faith, you have to say, 'I am blessed. I am successful. I am surrounded by God's favor, and He put a Dream in Me, and I will complete the mission. And then do it. When you believe it, you will see it.

Once You Believe it, You Will See It.
— Pastor James Blake

The Promised Land

Following your true path in life is the key to finding and connecting with God.

This path will lead you to a deeper understanding and connection with the Divine.

By living your true path, you can tap into your inner wisdom and intuition, which can guide you towards your greater purpose and ultimately towards God.

Remember, every individual has a unique path and calling in life.

It is essential to listen to your own inner voice and not to get swayed by the dark forces of the outside world that will try to deter you from this truth.

Trust in your journey and have faith that it will lead you to this great discovery.

Remember, it is our faith that activates this power of God, and how you will reach the promised land.

Remember, it is our faith that activates this power of God, and how you will reach the promised land.
— Pastor James Blake

When You Walk Your True Path, The Way Appears

God made you a masterpiece –blessed, disciplined and equipped for your mission.

You’ve been armed with strength for every battle, every obstacle that is trying to block your way. But know that the forces that are for you are far greater than forces against you.

Much too often we get frustrated by the challenges on the way to our goal, but you have to realize that you cannot have the harvest without a few weeds.

These are the tests, the tests that face us all on the way to the truth, but it is also here that we prove to God what we’re really made of.

You have to be faithful when things aren’t going your way, and then a new much more powerful way will be presented."

You have to be faithful when things aren’t going your way, and then a new much more powerful way will be presented.”
— Pastor James Blake

You Have A Mission From God

The best decision of your life was to live your life with God at the center.

That was the essential first step to living at your full potential.

Thank you for Joining Power Ministry and Welcome to 2023!

This year we will focus on our real dreams and goals.

We must remember that these dreams and goals are not just fleeting moments of inspiration.

They are from The Father. They were placed within our hearts by Him.

So when we act upon them, they will unfold the way to our true path and destiny is this life. Remember, you weren't created to be average.

You were created to for greatness.

You have a destiny, an assignment from God, and here at Power Ministry, we will guide you there.

-Pastor James Blake

You have a destiny, an assignment from God, and here at Power Ministry, we will guide you there.
— Pastor James Blake

It's A New Year!

If you want to reach your full potential in this new year, start declaring what God says about you.

That you are blessed, that you are special, that you have a Destiny.

This praise to God attracts favor.

Because when you create an atmosphere of praise, you're inviting God to show up in your life.

This is a New Year with a New You so break through the barriers of the past, and begin to live your real dream with Him.


God wants to do some amazing things in your life, to bring you opportunities, and miracles.

He wants to give you the desires of your heart, your destiny.

  If only you will take time to invest and delight and dwell in His Name.

And when you do, God will ignite the desires of your heart into realities for all to see His grace and goodness.

2023 is Your Year. Our Year. Thank you for being part of Power Ministry. 

God wants to do some amazing things in your life, to bring you opportunities, and miracles.
— Pastor James Blake