Experience God

We all have a story of how we see ourselves and our future. It comes from how we were raised, what people have said, our successes and failures. Perhaps your story is negative. "I had big dreams, but I don't have the talent or the experience." Do you know what's stopping you? The belief that you don’t have a destiny. You're being limited by what you're telling yourself. But you have come with a purpose, a powerful mission from God.

A Destiny.

He has placed it already within your heart. You can be incredibly gifted and have a great personality, but if you keep telling yourself that you're just average and don't have much to offer, your gifts won't come out as they should.

But the truth is, only your destiny is real.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
— Matthew 6:33