Awaken Your Dream

Your destiny, your highest dream, was put in your heart by God.

He knows how to summon this dream -the dream you always wanted, but thought was gone. 

Dreams that you have given up on—but He didn't.

As soon as you follow your destiny, the right people will show up, the funding you need will come through, people places sand things will all begin to materizlaie all around you.

So start to prepare...

He’s already arranging it NOW.

The breaks you need, the moving the wrong people out of the way, He is bringing it all together.

Because if it has to do with your Destiny, IT IS DONE.

It’s going to be bigger, better, and more incredible than you could have ever imagined. 

Only your destiny is real, and Power Ministries will help you get here. 

Your destiny, your highest dream, was put in your heart by God.
— Pastor James Blake