Beloved congregation, it is imperative that you grasp the profound significance of the words you utter. Do not fixate on describing your present circumstances; instead, focus on articulating the person you aspire to become. Through your spoken affirmations and unwavering faith, you possess the remarkable power to mold your future self, aligning it harmoniously with the divine blueprint that God has intricately designed for your life.

God's plan for your life is not a static, predetermined fate. It is a dynamic and responsive journey, influenced by your thoughts, beliefs, and words. As you speak and believe in the person you aspire to be, you actively participate in the co-creation of your destiny with the Creator Himself.

Remember that God has endowed you with free will and the remarkable capacity to influence the course of your life through your declarations and convictions. Your words have the power to shape your thoughts, which, in turn, mold your actions and habits. These actions and habits lead to the realization of your dreams and the fulfillment of your divine purpose.

As you embark on this transformative journey of self-expression and faith, consider the words of the psalmist in Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." By aligning your speech and inner thoughts with God's will and purpose, you invite His guidance and blessing into every facet of your life.

So, dear congregation, I implore you to speak forth the person you aspire to be with conviction and unwavering faith. With every word, you are breathing life into your God-given destiny. Do not underestimate the transformative power of your affirmations and declarations. Trust in the divine partnership that exists between you and your Creator, and together, you will craft a future that aligns with His perfect plan.

Believe it, declare it, then be it.

Let your words be the catalyst that propels you towards the person you were destined to become. In unity with God, you can bring your desired destiny into existence.
