Blessed congregation, today's message is one of dreams and divine purposes: "Do all you can to make your dreams come true. Because it is God who placed that dream in you."

Each of us has been entrusted with unique dreams by our loving Creator. These dreams are not mere whims; they are divine callings that have been individually tailored to us. They're not simple desires; they're manifestations of God's vision for our lives.

Our dreams are integral to our divine destiny. They are etched into our very being, serving as markers of what we can achieve when our intentions align with God's plan. They illuminate our path towards becoming our most authentic selves.

Yet, dreams without action remain dreams. Our dreams require faith, perseverance, and determination to take form. They thrive in the soil of belief and flourish with the water of effort. They compel us to rise above our comfort zones and step into the vast, unexplored territories of our potential.

Know this: God has not given us dreams without equipping us with the tools, skills, and resources to fulfill them. These tools are within you, in your God-given talents and abilities, your unwavering will, and your resolute determination.

Herein lies the beautiful truth: the dream that God has placed in your heart was given to you because He knew you had the strength to pursue it, the courage to nurture it, and the faith to bring it to life. Following this dream, acting in faith, is a sacred journey that is assured by Him.

So, dear ones, I implore you to give life to your dreams. Remember, these divine inspirations are evidence of God's faith in us and His boundless love for us. So, dare to dream, dare to believe, dare to act. The dream within you carries the divine guarantee, imprinted in it by God Himself.

May God bless you, empower you, and guide you as you courageously follow the dreams He has planted within you. Amen.