Beloved congregation,
Today, I feel moved to discuss a topic we often shy away from - closed doors, missed opportunities, and the failures that make us question our faith. Yet, let me assure you, these closed doors are not a denial from the Lord; instead, they are a test of our faith, our perseverance, and our determination. Our path is not always meant to be smooth. It is these tests that allow our faith to deepen, our courage to strengthen, and our vision to clarify.
Often, we become so consumed with our current circumstances that we forget about our divine destiny. We start to identify ourselves by our present condition - our troubles, our shortcomings, our fears. We speak about our lives as if we're condemned to our current state.
But I implore you today to change that narrative. Do not talk about the way you are, talk about the way you want to be. Our words are powerful; they can shape our reality, our perception, and our future. Speak into existence the future you desire, for there is tremendous power in the tongue.
Imagine the transformation that would occur if you stopped focusing on your current struggles and instead, started declaring your future victories. It is crucial to remember that we serve a God of growth and progress.
He does not wish for us to remain in stagnation, to be trapped in our past mistakes, or to be tethered to our present troubles. He wants us to aspire, to dream, to envision a future of success, happiness, and spiritual growth.
My dear friends, remember, the best is yet to come. Do not let the closed doors discourage you, do not let your current circumstances define you. Always strive to become better, always speak of your future with hope, for your words today are the architects of your tomorrow.
Believe in God's plan for you, trust in His timing, and continue to speak your dreams into existence. For with God by your side, you are unstoppable, and your future is bright.
In the name of our loving God, I encourage you all: Speak not of who you are, but of who you want to be. Amen.