Beloved congregation, my heart swells with a profound message for each of you today - a divine truth that holds the power to shape your life and guide your journey. This truth is simple, yet profound: the dreams that reside within your heart have been sown there by God Himself. But our Creator is not simply a planter of dreams; He is also a provider of means.

In His infinite wisdom and abundant love, God has not only entrusted us with these dreams but also equipped us with everything needed to realize them. The dream within you is not an aimless wish or a fanciful illusion; it's a seed of divine potential, a mission assigned by God Himself. Our role, then, is not to question its feasibility, but to believe in its inevitability.

Remember, our Creator is the author of order, not confusion. His divine plans for us are meticulous and purposeful. When He kindles a dream within us, He simultaneously provisions us with the abilities, the resources, the strength, and the courage to bring that dream to life. He does not lead us towards a mountaintop without giving us the strength to climb.

So, I urge you, cherish the dreams that are nested in your hearts. Do not fear them for their magnitude or dismiss them as impossible. Instead, hold on to them, nurture them with faith and actions. Remember, the very fact that a dream has been given to you implies that you possess the capacity to fulfill it. The path towards its realization may be winding, steep, or obscured, but do not despair.

Have faith, dear ones. Trust in His divine plan. For He has already given you the strength to climb, the resilience to endure, the wisdom to navigate, and the faith to continue. The road may be challenging, but the destination - the fulfillment of your God-given dream, your MISSION - will be worth every step. This is the Truth. - Pastor James Blake