Beloved congregation,
Today, I stand before you to share a message of hope, resilience, and divine anticipation titled "Greater Things!!!" "Assured by God's promise, my future outshines my past. Therefore, I press forward with faith, embracing the greater things God has in store."
In our journey through life, we encounter seasons of triumph and trial, joy and sorrow, success and setback. Yet, amidst these fluctuations, a constant remains – the unwavering promise of our Almighty God. Isaiah 43:19 declares, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." This scripture is a testament to God's perpetual motion towards the fulfillment of His word in our lives.
The essence of our faith lies in the assurance that what lies ahead is exponentially greater than what we've left behind. Our past, with all its lessons and challenges, is but a foundation upon which God builds a future of unimaginable greatness. It's an invitation from the Divine to trust in His plans, to believe in His goodness, and to remain steadfast in our pursuit of the life He has ordained for us.
Pressing forward in life, therefore, is not merely an act of human will but a response to the call of faith. It's a deliberate choice to move beyond the confines of our history, propelled by the certainty of God's promises. To press forward is to actively participate in the unfolding of God's plan for our lives, a plan that promises to exceed our most ambitious dreams and expectations.
As we embrace the journey towards these "Greater Things," let us do so with hearts full of faith, eyes fixed on the horizon of God's promises, and spirits buoyed by the assurance of His love and faithfulness. The road ahead may be unknown, but the destination is secured by the hands of the Almighty.
In conclusion, I encourage each of you to press forward, not in your strength, but in the strength that God provides. Embrace the future with confidence, knowing that the greater things God has promised are not just possible – they are assured.