Each of us carries within a treasure trove of dormant gifts, divinely bestowed, yet waiting for the perfect moment to be activated. There was a time when I too was oblivious of the divine gift nestled within me, because it simply wasn't the right season for it to emerge.
When the divine timing aligned, suddenly a spark ignited within me, a desire to step up and take my place as a minister. But it came with a decision: Was I prepared to leave my comfort zone, to venture into the unfamiliar? Could I dare to see myself as a pastor, as a shepherd guiding a flock? Was I ready to embrace this divine calling, to become a conduit of His message?
Or would it be easier to retreat, to play it safe, to remain stagnant in my comfort zone, letting this monumental opportunity pass me by? The decision was crucial, it was defining, and it was mine to make.
With a heart full of faith, I took that bold step, and, brothers and sisters, that's when the transformation happened. That's when the divine power within me sprung to life, activating my ministerial calling, and ushering me into my divinely destined path.
Today, I stand before you, fulfilling what I was born to do, serving the very purpose that God intended for me. I've found my place in His grand design, and the sense of fulfilment, of purpose, is profound.
Now, I tell you this - just as it happened with me, the divine gifts that God has programmed within you are on the cusp of activation. You will, just like I did, accomplish feats you thought were beyond your reach.
As God activates your divine gifts, you will unearth new talents, reach new levels of ability, experience newfound wisdom and insight. You will ascend to new heights, in all its forms, and more will follow.
Hold onto that faith as I did, and trust in His divine timing.
The moment of your divine destiny is activated, it will transform your life in ways you could never imagine.
For in His grand design, you too have a purpose, a destiny waiting to be lived. This is the absolute truth. Thank you for being part of this Ministry with me, and I will do my best to guide you to the light.