Beloved congregation,

In our journey of life, a consistent truth remains – God's way is supreme. Yet, often we find ourselves wrestling with impatience, striving to hasten things according to our understanding and timeline. Our eagerness, though a testament to our passion, can sometimes lead us astray if not aligned with God's design.

We must learn to truly trust His impeccable timing. Just as a gardener doesn't rush a budding flower to bloom, nor should we push our destinies into a premature manifestation. There is wisdom in waiting, for in the wait lies preparation, growth, and understanding.

It is a common human inclination to want to speed up processes, to force doors open when they seem to be locked. But forcing a door might lead us into rooms we are not ready for, or worse, rooms that were never meant for us. Instead, if we wait with faith, the right doors will open effortlessly, at the right time.

Moreover, trying to make things happen in our own limited strength can be an exercise in futility. We might be strong, but our strength is not infinite. Contrastingly, God's strength knows no bounds. When we let Him lead, miracles we never deemed possible unfold before our very eyes.

Remember, our Father has an incomparable view from above. He sees the beginning, the end, and every twist and turn in between. He knows when to release blessings, when to teach through trials, and when to elevate us to new horizons. All He asks is for our trust, patience, and faith in His ways.

So, when you feel that nudge of impatience or when doubt tries to creep in, I implore you to take a deep breath, release your concerns, and whisper to yourself, "Let God do it His way." For His way is not just any way—it's the best way, sculpted with love and precision for each one of us.