Beloved congregation,

Today, I am blessed to deliver a sermon titled "God's Light," focusing on the power of surrounding ourselves with visionaries who embody the luminance of God’s grace. "Surround yourself with visionaries who reflect God's light, inspiring you to pursue the divine dreams planted in your heart with passion and purpose."

In our lives, we are often influenced by the company we keep. Proverbs 27:17 tells us, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." This wisdom highlights the importance of being around those who not only share our values but also push us towards our divine potential.

The visionaries I speak of are those filled with God's light; they are individuals who inspire, challenge, and motivate us to transcend our limits and aim for higher spiritual and worldly goals. They are not just dreamers but doers—people who manifest their faith through actions that align with God’s purpose.

These individuals reflect God’s light in every interaction, illuminating paths that may otherwise seem shrouded in darkness. By aligning ourselves with such luminaries, we are not merely adopting their habits; we are absorbing their spirit of perseverance, their dedication, and their unwavering faith in God’s plan. This communion allows us to cultivate an environment where divine dreams are not just envisioned but actively pursued and achieved.

Today, let us make a conscious effort to seek out and foster relationships with those who bring God’s light into our lives. Let us be inspired by their vision and their faith. In doing so, we not only enrich our own spiritual journey but also contribute to a broader culture of divine aspiration and fulfillment.

Embrace this call to action with zeal. Look around you, identify the bearers of God’s light, and draw them close. Together, let us inspire one another with our collective dreams, supporting each other’s journey towards realizing the magnificent plans God has laid out for us.

In conclusion, may your path be ever surrounded by those who reflect God’s light, guiding and motivating you to fulfill the divine destiny He has intricately woven for each of you.
