As you keep going for your dreams, God is building character in you.  

He sees that you are passing the test. Passing the detours to your Destiny.

Because if you keep a good attitude it will all work out.

He Promises.

Because its only when we start to see every adversity, every disappointment in a new light, does it become a beacon of strength.

These tests on your path are not there to defeat you; they're there to make you better.

It takes determination to see a dream, your destiny,  come to pass.

But it is there.

The question is not if it's true,

But will you finish.

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it.

It takes determination to see a dream, your destiny,  come to pass. But it is there.
The question is not if it’s true, But will you finish.
— Pastor James Blake