The Way Out

Destiny starts in the Dark.

Most do not know why they are here, that they have a plan, but you do.

God gave you a promise, a destiny, and when you know this -a new day begins.

You may not see it yet, or even know what it is, but a breakthrough is on the horizon.

God will carry you through to your victory.

These thoughts are power thoughts because they are true -they are real.

Knowing you have a destiny that is guaranteed by God, will send you to new heights and give you powers you never knew you even had.

When you start to think these thoughts of power, you’ll feel His strength empowering you to overcome any obstacle in your path and take you to your goal.

Your Promised Land. Your Truth. The Greatest thing you could ever think of being.

Is your Destiny.

Knowing you have a destiny that is guaranteed by God, will send you to new heights and give you powers you never knew you even had.
— Pastor James Blake