Our Calling

We all have a mission, a dream, that we were sent here for. But there are tests along the way. Sometimes when we're praying, believing, and doing our best, we will get tests that say we will never accomplish our dream.

And it will be easy to get discouraged and give up on your dream if you don’t know that only your destiny is real.

Scripture says, "Faith is the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).

To reach your true destiny, there will be times when you will need to pass these tests and move forward anyway. Because God is working it. God is arranging things in your favor, lining up the right people, places, and things for it to happen.

If you had to see everything to stay connected and encouraged by God, it would limit how high far you can go.

You have to pass the test of staying in faith and thanking God even when it feels like things are not happening.

What God has promised you, is on the way.

Don't let delays or doubts convince you otherwise This is just the dark side trying to get you to fail in His glory.

Your breakthrough is already on the schedule.

So get ready.

It’s going to happen suddenly, unexpectedly.

It could be today.

What God has promised you, is on the way.
— Pastor James Blake

Hand Of God

You were born to win, you were born for greatness, you were created for a purpose-a mission- from the Hand of God.

Keep this in mind, and just because you may not know the answer to your highest purpose -it is there - You simply haven’t discovered it yet.

Start believing today that things are going to change for the better. Your best days are still out in front of you.

There is a Destiny within you. You were created to be successful, to accomplish your goals, to leave your mark on the Truth.

That only your Destiny is real.

You have greatness in you. The key is to get it out

You have greatness in you. The key is to get it out
— Pastor James Blake

Ultimate Power Source

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you needed to do and to fulfill it.

If you keep true to your path, if you keep your trust in your destiny, if you keep the right attitude, if you are grateful, you’ll will see God open up new doors for you.

So you don’t ever have to worry about your dream or how you’re going to accomplish it - as God has already lined up what you need.

So trust His timing. Don’t grow impatient. Don’t try to force doors open. Don’t try to make things happen in your own strength.

Let God do it His way.

Start today, and follow your destiny, and you will see for yourself the truth -

That only your destiny is real.

Join us at Power Ministry. I will help guide you.

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you needed to do and to fulfill it.
— Pastor James Blake

The Highest You, Is The Real You

God has already done everything He's going to do.

He has already placed your highest dream within you with everything you need to do it.

The ball is now in your court.

If you want to live your true destiny, your God’s given purpose.

If you want abundance, health and power…

You're going to have to do more than “believe”; you must boldly declare your destiny through Action.

And we don’t have to wonder if we’re asking for too much or dreaming too big. We are not marked by our past or whatever has happened before— we are marked by the hand of God.

When you fully embrace your purpose for your life a start to act, you will be empowered to reach your God-given destiny!

When you fully embrace your purpose for your life and start to act, you will be empowered to reach your God-given destiny!
— Pastor James Blake

The Assignment

You’ve been armed with strength and power for every battle.

The Source Force that is for you is much much greater than forces against you. Because it has HE who gave you the Assignment. It was HE who gave you the mission to perform and all that is necessary to complete it.

But it is WE who must make the choice.

You’re not defined by your past; you’re prepared by it. You’re stronger, more powerful, more experienced, and you will have greater confidence than ever before…once you make the choice.

Make the Choice for your Truth, and God will push you to a new level.

Because God’s dream for your life is greater than you could ever imagine.

Make the Choice for your Truth, and God will push you to a new level.
— Pastor James Blake

Live Your Truth

There is a key to living your dream life…and it might surprise you.

It is seen all throughout the Scriptures, and I’ve seen it in the lives of so many people, including my own.

Its the secret to joy, abundance, and a life where you a living your truth with God.

We may have challenges and face obstacles, where it may be easy to quit if you don’t hold this key.

And it is this. . .

As a child of God, HE has placed already within you your highest dream, your greatest Destiny, and the only way you can lose - is if you quit.

If you’ll keep on the path, your truth, — God will do something for you, better than you can ever imagine.

Your life is not over because you failed before, because that was before you knew the truth. Before you had the KEY.

That only your destiny is real.

I hope you’ll join me and help spread these teachings. It might just be the thing that changes everything for someone, including for yourself.

Your life is not over because you failed before, because that was before you knew the truth. Before you had the KEY.
— Pastor James Blake

Decide to live your Destiny!

God has placed a DESTINY within our hearts, and we must accomplish it.

God has a great plan and purpose for our life.

He will never give up on you, on helping you achieve it, so don’t give up on yourself.

No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up. These are just the dark forces at work trying to prevent you from doing God’s work, but it is no match for you and Him.

And when He sees that you are doing you do everything you can do for your destiny, that’s when God WILL STEP IN AND DO WHAT YOU CAN’T DO!

Stay on the Path, stay with us at Power Ministries, and I will help guide you to the promised land.

And you will be forever changed.

That is a Promise.

God has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.
— Pastor James Blake

The Island.

You are on a journey of faith, but a journey of knowledge as well. As when you pass the barriers of darkness of this survival island, you too will see that “only your destiny” is real. You will move beyond faith and into knowing.

You will see it for yourself.

So if you you ever find yourself consumed with a problem, if you're wondering how something can ever work out, it's time to lift your eyes and set your focus on your destiny and God's promise. Because it is HE who put it in your heart!

You have to realize that beyond where you are is your truth. Beyond the doubt and darkness is your Triumph.

There are greater heights, greater victories, greater strengths, and a greater destiny for you, but it is you who must choose it.

You must seek it.

But, if you continue on this path to your destiny, I assure you that you will come to know God in a way you have never known before.

You will become everything God wants you to be. You will realize your dream. I know, because it has happened to me, and it will happen for you.

Power Ministries is a reminder, a testament of what you have always known, that you were made for much much greater things.

Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are...for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.
— Genesis 13:14-15.

Awaken Your Dream

Your destiny, your highest dream, was put in your heart by God.

He knows how to summon this dream -the dream you always wanted, but thought was gone. 

Dreams that you have given up on—but He didn't.

As soon as you follow your destiny, the right people will show up, the funding you need will come through, people places sand things will all begin to materizlaie all around you.

So start to prepare...

He’s already arranging it NOW.

The breaks you need, the moving the wrong people out of the way, He is bringing it all together.

Because if it has to do with your Destiny, IT IS DONE.

It’s going to be bigger, better, and more incredible than you could have ever imagined. 

Only your destiny is real, and Power Ministries will help you get here. 

Your destiny, your highest dream, was put in your heart by God.
— Pastor James Blake


There exists in each and every one of us an ideal perfect self, waiting to be realized. But we will be tested. I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment to our destiny, and our destiny is reserved only for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to the idea that they have a true purpose from God that MUST be realized.

This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their highest path from those who live in regret.

Your Highest Dream Is The Only Thing Real. It Is Your Calling. Follow It Today.
— Pastor James Blake