Beloved congregation,

Today, I stand before you with a message titled "Pursue," inspired by the divine guidance that shapes our lives. "Cherish and pursue the dreams and divine promises God has entrusted to your heart, for they are the blueprint of your unique destiny."

Each one of us carries within our hearts a set of dreams and promises that are not just mere whims or fleeting thoughts. They are, in fact, sacred deposits from God Himself, entrusted to us as part of His grand design. These dreams and promises are the very blueprint of our destiny, a map to the treasure trove of our God-ordained purpose.

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” This is not just a promise of fulfillment but a call to a deeper relationship with our Creator. As we align our desires with His will, our dreams become interwoven with the fabric of His plans for our lives.

Pursuing these dreams requires more than just passive hope; it demands active faith. It calls for a steadfast dedication to the vision God has placed within us. This pursuit is not always easy. It is often laden with challenges and trials, but these are not obstacles; they are opportunities to witness the strength and faithfulness of God.

Our journey of pursuit is also a journey of trust. Trusting that the One who has given us these dreams is faithful to bring them to pass. It’s about believing that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion (Philippians 1:6).

In conclusion, I encourage each one of you to not only cherish the dreams and promises in your heart but to actively pursue them. Let them not be buried under the weight of doubt or fear, but let them be a living force driving you towards your God-given destiny. Pursue them with all your heart, for in doing so, you walk the path God has laid out for you, a path that leads to fulfillment, joy, and the ultimate glorification of His name.
