Walk Your Path

God is shining down on you right now. He is making things happen that you could never make happen just by yourself, towards your dream.

But you must walk your path to see it.

See that mediocrity is not your home.

Good enough is not enough.

Getting by is not where you really belong.

We should never be satisfied with anything less than what God put into our heart.

God has put a PASSION within you. A DESTINY.

But you must walk your path to see it.

Power Ministry will take you there.

God has put a PASSION within you. A DESTINY.

But you must walk your path to see it.
— Pastor James Blake

Your Highest Life!

God wants us to prosper financially, to have abundance and no negativity, so we can fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us.

But you must do all you can to make your dreams come true.

So if you’ll dare to take your mind off of your false world and seek your truth, God will do more for you than you could even ask or think.

Because God wants to bless you in such a way that people notice.

He wants to show Himself in your life.

Because God knows your purpose; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and He has a great plan and purpose for your life.

Do something, anything today that by your ACTIONS, you believe this to be true, and you will be on your way to VICTORY!

You will live your highest life.

Power Ministry Will Help you There.

If you’ll dare to take your mind off of your false world and seek your truth, God will do more for you than you could even ask or think.
— Pastor James Blake

Designed For Greatness

Don’t worry about how you’re going to accomplish your dream. God already has lined up whatever you need.

You were Designed for Greatness.

But you have to hear the call. The dream HE wanted you to do and placed in your heart. You can’t let the negative forces of the world pressure you into being something that you’re not.

If you want God’s full power to help you, you must be the person He made you to be.

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it.

So the more the outside forces try to push you down, the higher God will take you.

That’s the way God is.

Start your journey today!

Power Ministries will guide you.

The more the outside forces try to push you down, the higher God will take you.
— Pastor James Blake

The Way To Freedom

God didn't create you to be average. He created you to become a symbol, to stand out, to go beyond Your limits, and to leave your mark on this world, that only Your destiny is real.

This decision to live your truth, to be what God called you to Be, will be the best decision of your life.

Because it means to live your life with God at the center.

This is essential, the main step, to living at your full potential.

Dreams and goals are not just fleeting moments of inspiration.

They are real things.

Evidence of this hunger within…that if acted upon, will show you the way.

You weren't created to be average. You were created to excel. You have a destiny to fulfill, an assignment to accomplish from God.

And Power Ministries Will Help Guide You There.

You have a destiny to fulfil, an assignment to accomplish from God.
— Pastor James Blake

The Real Fix

There is greatness within you. A winner that can never be denied. .You were created for a purpose, a mission, by The Father. You have greatness in you.

The key is to get it out.

At the moment that we make this choice, our mission, our highest purpose, is set back on course.

Only the Father can know how this dream will be formed-

But KNOW that it will be.

Because it is HE who put it in your heart.

Today begin to live this truth in all that you do…and doors will open where before there were only walls.

Today, Begin to live this truth in all that you do…and doors will open where before there were only walls.
— Pastor James Blake

The Will Of God

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it.

God is -every day - working behind the scenes in your life, arranging things for your way to this truth.

But what you receive will be directly connected to what you believe.

You have to be the change on the inside before change will happen on the outside.

So do all you can to make your dreams come true.

And become THE example of his will for us.

..That only your highest dream, your destiny, is real.

You have be the the change on the inside before the change will happen on the outside.
— Pastor James Blake

Victory Is Near!

God is working behind the scenes in your life.

He hasn't brought you this far to leave you stranded on the doorway to destiny.

Those challenges that you passed, are about to be transformed into your gateway of hope.

God used it as a ramp, to take you to a new level.

Now, you must do your part - and BE that person God created you to be.

If you'll do this, God will do things you can't explain-

Breakthroughs that will transform you to total freedom.

Get ready… you're about to declare Victory, in God’s name.

Only your Highest Destiny is Real, as promised by the Father.

Only your Highest Destiny is Real, as promised by the Father.
— Pastor James Blake

The Gift

Jeremiah 29:4-14: God has a purpose and plan for you. His plans are sure, true, and faithful.

God has a plan for you, but it is you who must make the DECISION to seek it. You must make a decision that you are going to become the best version of yourself. The person that GOD intended you to be.

You have to learn to follow your heart. You can’t let other people pressure you into being something that you’re not. If you want God’s Purpose in your life, you must put that first. Not the person your boss wants you to be, not even the person your parents or anyone else wants you to be.

You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m going to complete my true mission in life.

Pass this test of strength in your true calling, your gift, and the big things will come into your life.

Pass this test of strength in your true calling, your gift, and the big things will come into your life.
— Pastor James Blake

The Promise

It's our faith, our knowing, that we have a destiny—that activates the power of God.

The Promise to Your Destiny.

This dreaming, hoping, and planning—that desire is evidence of The Promise being activated within you.

Don’t live worried, frustrated, or upset because of what happened in your past, what somebody did, or what didn’t work out.

Come back to The Promise, a place of peace, and you will see that all these things don’t work against you, but instead, it’s going to work for you.

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it.

This is the Promise.

It’s our faith, our knowing, that we have a Destiny - that activates the power of God.
— Pastor James Blake

The Way Out

Destiny starts in the Dark.

Most do not know why they are here, that they have a plan, but you do.

God gave you a promise, a destiny, and when you know this -a new day begins.

You may not see it yet, or even know what it is, but a breakthrough is on the horizon.

God will carry you through to your victory.

These thoughts are power thoughts because they are true -they are real.

Knowing you have a destiny that is guaranteed by God, will send you to new heights and give you powers you never knew you even had.

When you start to think these thoughts of power, you’ll feel His strength empowering you to overcome any obstacle in your path and take you to your goal.

Your Promised Land. Your Truth. The Greatest thing you could ever think of being.

Is your Destiny.

Knowing you have a destiny that is guaranteed by God, will send you to new heights and give you powers you never knew you even had.
— Pastor James Blake